
Chamber Choir


Here's an overview of Orlando Chamber Choir's activities since the choir was founded in 1994. Use the button below to switch from a concert overview to a detailed repertoire list.

Repertoire list

Click the column headers to sort the table. Composers are sorted by surname excluding particles so you'll find Orlando di Lasso under L rather than under D. The "Performance years" column gets sorted by year of last performance. If a composition's name is followed by an asterisk, it is part of a larger work - hover over the asterisk to see its title. The hover tooltips for each of the performance years show the title of the relevant programme; the year itself is a link to the corresponding event page. The "Nr" column shows the number of times each composition was sung.

ComposerComposition titlePerformance yearsNr
AleottiAngelus ad pastores ait20191
AleottiAudivi vocem20231
AleottiBaciai per haver vita20231
AleottiFacta est cum angelo20191
AleottiHor che la vaga aurora20231
AleottiIo v'amo vita mia20231
AleottiMiserere mei, Deus20231
AndrewArchbishop Parker's Psalme 15020211
AnerioMissa Pro defunctis - Introit20191
anonAetas carmen melodiae20121
anonAs I out rode20081
anonBonum vinum20171
anonGaudete!2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007
anonHanacpachap cussicuinin20121
anonJesu, dulcis memoria20121
anonLullay, lully, thou little tiny child2008, 20052
anonNowel! Owt of your slepe aryse and wake20171
anonScribere proposui20121
anonSi la noche haze escura20121
anonSumer is icumen in2000, 20002
anonSweet was the song the virgin sung2007, 20052
anonTempus adest20121
anonThe virgin Mary had a baby boy19961
De AraujoDixit Dominus a 3 choros20121
De AraujoEn el muy gran Padre Ignacio20121
De AraujoLos coflades de la estleya20121
ArcadeltD'un extrême regret mortellement atteinte20101
ArcadeltIl bianco a dolce cigno20181
ArcadeltNon v'accorgete, amanti20191
ArcadeltSe'l tuo partir mi spiacque20191
AssandraO dulcis amor Jesu20231
AtkinsThe three kings19961
AttwoodDirge for the funeral of Lord Nelson20051
Bach J.C.Der Gerechte, ob er gleich zu zeitlich stirbt20201
Bach J.C.Es ist nun aus mit meinem Leben20201
Bach J.C.Fürchte dich nicht20201
Bach J.C.Herr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren20201
Bach J.C.Lieber Herr Gott, wecke uns auf20201
Bach J.L.Das ist meine Freude20201
Bach J.M.Halt, was du hast20201
Bach J.M.Herr, wenn ich nur dich habe20201
Bach J.M.In dulci jubilo20171
Bach J.S.Buß und Reu [*]19941
Bach J.S.Christ lag in Todesbanden20141
Bach J.S.Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf2018, 20042
Bach J.S.Der Herr denket an uns (cantata BWV 196)20081
Bach J.S.Fürchte dich nicht, ich bin bei dir20041
Bach J.S.Gottes Sohn is kommen (chorale BWV 318)20081
Bach J.S.Himmelskönig, sei wilkommen (cantata BWV 182)19981
Bach J.S.Ich lasse dich nicht20201
Bach J.S.Jesu, meine Freude2004, 2004, 2002, 2001,
2000, 1994
Bach J.S.Komm, Jesu, komm2020, 2018, 2016, 2016,
2016, 2004, 2002, 2001
Bach J.S.Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden2008, 2004, 2001, 1995,
Bach J.S.Magnificat20001
Bach J.S.Missa Brevis in G20081
Bach J.S.Nimm von uns, Herr20061
Bach J.S.Nun komm der heiden Heiland (cantata BWV 61)20081
Bach J.S.Nun lob, mein Seel, den Herren20051
Bach J.S.O Jesulein süß 20121
Bach J.S.O little one sweet2004, 2002, 19963
Bach J.S.Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied2018, 20042
Bach J.S.St John Passion2024, 2017, 20023
Bach J.S.Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her20171
Bach J.S.Zion hears the watchmen's voices19961
BalletLute-book lullaby20131
BanchieriContraponto bestiale alla mente20191
BarnardDa pacem (world premiere)20231
BatesonAh me! My mistress scorns my love20181
BeamishIn the stillness20191
BennetAll creatures now2000, 20002
BennetWeep o mine eyes2000, 20002
BerliozThe shepherds' farewell2013, 2002, 19993
BevanMagnificat (tone VIII)20141
BillingsCreation2024, 20092
BillingsI am the Rose of Sharon2007, 20072
BillingsLamentation over Boston20091
BillingsWake every breath20091
BillingsWhen Jesus wept2024, 20092
BlowBlessed is the man that hath not walked20091
BlowGod is our hope and strength20131
BlowGod spake sometime in visions20091
BlowSalvator mundi20091
BonhommeQuem vidistis, pastores?20171
BouzignacAve Maria20141
BoyceO where shall wisdom be found?1997, 19972
BoyceTurn thee unto me, O Lord19971
BrachroggeIo ardo in vivo foco20121
BrahmsEs ist ein Ros entsprungen20171
BrahmsGeistliches Lied20021
BrahmsLiebeslieder Walzer20021
BrahmsO Heiland, reiß die Himmel auf2017, 20022
BrahmsWarum ist das Licht gegeben den Mühseligen?20021
BremerEen kind geboren in Bethlehem20091
BrittenA Hymn to the Virgin2018, 2009, 20053
BrittenDown by the Sally Gardens19971
BrittenFive flower songs20151
BrittenHymn to St Cecilia20051
BrittenRejoice in the Lamb19941
BrucknerAve Maria20021
BrucknerChristus factus est20021
BrucknerLocus iste20021
BrucknerOs justi20021
BrucknerTota pulchra es20021
BrucknerVirga Jesse floruit20111
BrumelDa pacem20231
BrumelLaudate Dominum20231
BrumelO Domine Jesu Christe20231
BrumelSicut lilium inter spinas2023, 2019, 20193
BrumelTous les regretz20231
BuxtehudeBefiehl dem Engel daß er komm20011
BuxtehudeDas neugebor'ne Kinderlein19951
BuxtehudeDer Herr ist mit mir2006, 2001, 19983
BuxtehudeIn dulci jubilo2024, 2017, 2016, 2002,
2002, 2001, 2001
BuxtehudeMembra Jesu Nostri2016, 2006, 20063
BuxtehudeNimm von uns, Herr20061
ByrdAve verum corpus20121
ByrdChrist rising again20191
ByrdCivitas sancti tui20121
ByrdDomine, praestolamur adventum tuum20181
ByrdEcce virgo concipiet2023, 20182
ByrdExsurge Domine20241
ByrdFactus est repente20121
ByrdHaec dies2022, 2022, 20103
ByrdJustorum animae2010, 1997, 19973
ByrdLa verginella - But not so soon20111
ByrdLaetentur coeli20241
ByrdLaudibus in sanctis2021, 20122
ByrdLullaby, my sweet little baby20051
ByrdMass for 4 voices - Agnus Dei2012, 20102
ByrdMass for 4 voices - Benedictus2012, 20102
ByrdMass for 4 voices - Gloria20121
ByrdMass for 4 voices - Kyrie20121
ByrdMass for 4 voices - Sanctus2012, 20102
ByrdMiserere mei20121
ByrdMiserere mihi Domine2015, 20102
ByrdO God that guides the cheerful sun2019, 20102
ByrdO Lord, make thy servant Elizabeth our Queen20211
ByrdO magnum mysterium2013, 20092
ByrdO sacrum convivium20171
ByrdPuer natus est nobis20181
ByrdQuis est homo20211
ByrdQuomodo cantabimus2015, 20122
ByrdRorate caeli20231
ByrdRorate caeli desuper20181
ByrdSalve sola Dei genitrix20121
ByrdSing joyfully2022, 2022, 2016, 2016,
2015, 2010
ByrdThis day Christ was born2023, 2009, 20083
ByrdThis sweet and merry month of May20101
ByrdThough Amaryllis dance in green20101
ByrdTribue Domine20151
CaldaraStabat Mater19981
CapillasAufer a nobis20231
CapillasCui luna, sol et omnia20231
CapillasDic nobis Maria20121
CapillasTantum ergo20231
Du CaurroyMissa pro defunctis20031
De CeballosHortus conclusus20161
CererolsAy! que me muero20081
CererolsSerafin que con dulce harmonia2012, 20122
CererolsSuspended, cielos, vuestro dulce canto20081
ChampneysCome let us all sweet carols sing20141
chantAudi nos, nam te filius20141
chantCantate Domino20181
chantCelsus nuntiat Gabriel20141
chantGaudeamus omnes20171
chantHodie Christus natus est20161
chantLugeamus omnes20171
chantMediatrix nostra20141
chantMiserere mihi Domine20151
chantPuer natus in Bethlehem2015, 20142
chantSub tuum praesidium20141
chantVeni sancte spiritus20181
CharpentierDe profundis20021
CharpentierDomine salvum fac regem20021
CharpentierMissa Assumpta est Maria20021
CharpentierSalve Regina20021
CharpentierSalve puerule20121
CharpentierSymphonies pour un responsoir20021
CharpentierVeni sancte spiritus20021
ClarkeWeep you no more, sad fountains2022, 20222
Clemens non PapaAccesserunt ad Jesum20161
Clemens non PapaCarole, magnus eras20161
Clemens non PapaEgo flos campi a 320151
Clemens non PapaEgo flos campi a 72019, 2019, 2016, 20154
Clemens non PapaMagi veniunt ab oriente20221
CompèreScaramella fa la galla20231
CorelliConcerto Grosso op.6 nr 819951
CorneliusThe three kings2022, 20042
CornyshWoefully arrayed20171
CotesMortuus est Philippus Rex20161
CozzolaniDeus in adjutorium20231
CozzolaniLaetatus sum20231
CroceRegina coeli a 820191
CroftI am the resurrection and the life [*]20051
CroftI heard a voice from heaven [*]20051
CroftI know that my redeemer liveth [*]20051
CroftWe brought nothing into this world [*]20051
CrügerSchmücke dich2002, 20012
De Dallo y LanaLaudate Dominum omnes gentes20231
DarkeIn the bleak midwinter2024, 2010, 19993
DaviesThe Fader of Heven20091
DebussyDieu! Qu'il la fait bon regarder [*]20061
DebussyQuant j'ai ouy le tabourin [*]20061
DebussyYver, vour n'estes qu'un villain [*]20061
DeckerIn dulci jubilo20171
DeringFactum est silentium2022, 2022, 20153
DeringQuem vidistis, pastores?20231
DistlerEs ist ein Ros entsprungen20171
DistlerSinget dem Herrn ein neues Lied20181
DowlandFine knacks for ladies20131
DufayAd cenam agni providi20171
DufayAve Regina coelorum20131
DufayEn triumphant de cruel deuil20131
DufayNuper rosarum flores2016, 2016, 20153
DunstableDescendi in hortum meum20171
DurufléFugue sur le nom d'Alain19941
DurufléTantum ergo [*]2006, 20062
DurufléTota pulchra es [*]2006, 20062
DurufléTu es Petrus [*]2006, 20062
DurufléUbi caritas et amor [*]2006, 20062
DykesSleep holy babe20141
EastHence stars too dim of light20211
EastO metaphysical tobacco20131
ElgarAs torrents in summer2022, 20222
ElgarAve maris stella1997, 19962
ElgarAve verum corpus1997, 19962
ElgarGive unto the Lord19961
ElgarMy love dwelt in a Northern land20241
ElgarO happy eyes1997, 19962
ElgarTe Deum19961
ElgarThe fountain19961
ElgarThe shower1997, 1997, 19963
ElgarThere is sweet music [*]20241
Del EncinaCucú cucú!20121
EstévezMata del anima sola20231
FarmerFair Nymphs20141
FarmerFair Phyllis2000, 20002
FauréCantique de Jean Racine1995, 19952
FauréRequiem1995, 19952
FernandezEso rigor e repente20121
FernandezXicochi xicochi20231
FinziMy spirit sang all day1997, 19972
FitkinThe Christmas truce20141
FlechaRiu, riu, chiu2013, 2009, 20083
FoggittAh when will this long weary day have end? [*]20181
FoggittCarols for Choirs20171
FoggittOpen the temple gates [*]20181
FoggittPange, lingua, gloriosi Corporis mysterium20171
FoggittRing ye the bells [*]20181
FoggittRorate caeli20171
Franck M.Ach, Jungfrau zart und mild20181
Franck M.Kein grösser Pein20181
Franck M.Meine Schwester, liebe Braut20171
Franck M.Viva la musica20181
FrancoChristus factus est20231
FrancoLumen ad revelationem gentium20231
Gabrieli A. Del gran Tuonante20091
Gabrieli A.Kyrie a 520091
Gabrieli A.Lasso, Amor mi trasporta20241
Gabrieli A.Non cosi bell'appar in oriente la vag'aurora20091
Gabrieli A.O in primavera eterna20091
Gabrieli A.O lux beata trinitas20241
Gabrieli A.O sacrum convivium20091
Gabrieli A.Sassi, palae, sabbion, del Adrian lio20131
Gabrieli A.Tirsi vicino a morte20091
Gabrieli A.Vieni, vieni, Himeneo2019, 20092
Gabrieli G.Angelus Domini descendit20191
Gabrieli G.Domine exaudi20091
Gabrieli G.Hodie Christus natus est20151
Gabrieli G.Jubilate Deo a 820091
Gabrieli G.Surrexit pastor bonus a 1020191
Gabrieli G.Timor et tremor20241
GallusJesu, dulcis memoria20171
GallusO magnum mysterium20191
GallusOmnes de Saba venient20221
GardnerTomorrrow shall be my dancing day2013, 20102
GaspariniPanis angelicus20171
GesiusVom Himmel hoch da komm ich her20171
GesualdoCaligaverunt oculi mei20071
GesualdoDolcissima mia vita20161
GesualdoEcce quomodo moritur justus [*]20241
GesualdoEram quasi agnus innocens20071
GesualdoIl sol, qual'hor più splende20241
GesualdoIllumina faciem tuam2016, 2016, 20163
GesualdoJerusalem, surge20071
GesualdoO vos omnes [*]2024, 20072
GesualdoOcchi del mio cor vita20161
GesualdoOmnes amici mei20071
GesualdoTenebrae factae sunt20071
GesualdoTristis est anima mea20071
GesualdoVelum templi scissum est20071
GesualdoVinea mea electa20071
GibbonsAh, dear heart20111
GibbonsAlmighty God, who by thy son20151
GibbonsBehold, thou hast made my days2008, 19942
GibbonsDainty fine bird20181
GibbonsHosanna to the son of David2015, 1997, 19973
GibbonsIn nomine "Cries of London"20131
GibbonsNunc dimittis20131
GibbonsO Lord in thy wrath20081
GibbonsO clap your hands together2022, 2022, 2016, 2016,
2015, 2008
GibbonsSecond Service - Magnificat20151
GibbonsSee, the Word is incarnate20151
GibbonsSong 4620241
GibbonsThe silver swan2015, 2008, 1997, 19974
GibbonsThis is the Record of John2015, 20082
GillesMesse des Morts (extracts)19951
GoldschmidtA tender shoot20121
GombertChangeons propos20101
GombertDiversi diversa orant - Salve Regina2019, 20192
GombertIn illo tempore20031
GombertLugebat David Absalon20161
GombertMagnificat tertii et octavi toni20161
GombertMusae Jovis20131
GossSee amid the winter's snow20141
GraingerBrigg Fair20091
GreavesCome away, sweet love20181
GreeneLord, let me know myne end20051
GruberSilent night2017, 2009, 20043
GruberStille Nacht20141
GuerreroAve Regina coelorum20191
GuerreroAvo virgo sanctissima20161
GuerreroCanite tuba20151
GuerreroDuo seraphim clamabant2016, 2016, 20163
GuerreroLauda mater ecclesia20161
GuerreroMaria Magdalena et altera Maria20161
GuerreroO sacrum convivium20171
GuerreroPastores loquebantur20191
HandelAlexander's Feast20111
HandelAlexander's Feast - Your voices tune20111
HandelBlessed are they that considereth the poor19981
HandelDead march [*]20051
HandelDixit Dominus2014, 20032
HandelHaec est Regina virginum20001
HandelHis body is buried in peace [*]20051
HandelLaudate pueri Dominum20001
HandelLet thy hand be strengthened1998, 1997, 19953
HandelNisi Dominus2014, 20002
HandelTe decus virgineum20001
HasslerIn dulci jubilo20171
HasslerVerbum caro factum est20191
HasslerVom Himmel hoch da komm ich her20171
HaydnNelson Mass (Missa In Angustiis)2005, 19972
HaydnPaukenmesse (Missa In tempore belli)20011
HaydnStabat Mater20011
HelmoreO come, Emmanuel20171
Henry VIIIPasstime with good company1997, 19972
HolstI love my love [*]20241
HolstIn the bleak midwinter2022, 2019, 19963
HolstLisa Lân [*]20241
HolstLullay my liking20101
HolstO little town of Bethlehem20071
HolstThere was a tree [*]20241
HowellsA spotless rose20021
HowellsHere is the little door2015, 20092
HowellsSing lullaby20111
HowellsTake him, earth for cherishing20051
IsaacHora e di maggio2019, 20192
IsaacIch stund an einem Morgen2019, 20192
JacksonO sacrum convivium20051
JacquesAngels from the realms of glory19991
JacquesAway in a manger2018, 2012, 2011, 2004,
JacquesGood King Wenceslas2016, 2014, 2009, 2008,
2004, 2002, 1996
JacquesIn dulci jubilo20041
JanequinLa chasse20131
JanequinLa guerre20081
JanequinLe chant des oiseaux2019, 2019, 20103
Le JeuneRevoici venir du printemps20101
JonesSweet Kate2000, 20002
De KerleTrahe me post te20181
KocherAs with gladness men of old20221
Di LassoA ce matin20171
Di LassoAestimatus sum [*]2011, 20112
Di LassoAllala, pia calia20181
Di LassoAlma redemptoris mater20101
Di LassoAnimam meam dilectam [*]2011, 20112
Di LassoAurora lucis rutilat2019, 20152
Di LassoBonjour mon coeur20101
Di LassoChi chi li chi20181
Di LassoCome falda di neve [*]20181
Di LassoGratia sola Dei20181
Di LassoIl magnanimo Pietro [*]20181
Di LassoIn hora ultima20151
Di LassoIn monte Oliveti2011, 20112
Di LassoJam lucis orto sidere20151
Di LassoLa nuit froide et sombre20101
Di LassoLamentatio Prima [*]2011, 20112
Di LassoLamentatio Tertia [*]2011, 20112
Di LassoLucescit iam o socii20171
Di LassoLucia, celu, hai!20181
Di LassoMa gli archi [*]20181
Di LassoMatona mia cara2018, 20152
Di LassoMissa Susanne un jour - Kyrie20151
Di LassoMusica Dei donum20141
Di LassoNegando il mio Signor [*]20181
Di LassoOcchi, piangete20191
Di LassoOgni occhio del Signor [*]20181
Di LassoProlongati sunt dies mei20151
Di LassoProphetiae Sibyllarum20141
Di LassoSusanne un jour20151
Di LassoTe Deum laudamus a 620181
Di LassoTenebrae factae sunt [*]2011, 20112
Di LassoTimor et tremor2024, 2011, 20113
Di LassoToutes les nuits2024, 20152
Di LassoTristis est anima mea2011, 20112
Di LassoTui sunt caeli20141
Di LassoVattene vita và [*]20181
Di LassoVeni dilecte mi2019, 20192
Di LassoVeni in hortum meum2019, 20192
Di LassoVide homo [*]2018, 20152
Di LassoVidentes stellam20221
Di LassoVinum bonum et suave20171
Di LassoVivo sol di speranza20191
LeightonThe Coventry Carol20051
LeonardaLitanie della beata vergine Maria a 420231
LoboO quam suavis est, Domine20121
LoboVivo ego, dicit Dominus20191
MacFarrenOrpheus with his lute1997, 19972
MacMillanO radiant dawn [*]2016, 20132
De MachautRose, liz, printemps, verdure2019, 20192
MannOnce in royal David's city2019, 2016, 2015, 2012,
2011, 2010, 2009, 2008,
2007, 2004, 2002
MarenzioChe fa oggi il mio sole20191
MarenzioCruda Amarilli20191
MarenzioLeggiadre ninfe e pastorelli amanti20191
MarenzioOmbrose e care selve20191
Martin F.Mass20061
Martin M.O rex gentium20151
MathiasSir Christèmas19991
MauditVoice le vert et beau Mai2000, 20002
McDowallLo! He slumbers in his manger20221
McDowallO Oriens20131
McGladeIn the bleak midwinter20191
McGladeInfant holy20221
MendelssohnAve Maria20001
MendelssohnHark! The herald angels sing2016, 2005, 19963
MendelssohnHear my prayer20001
MendelssohnHerr, nun lässest du deinen Diener20001
MendelssohnLaudate pueri20001
MessiaenO sacrum convivium20161
MoeranThe Sailor and Young Nancy20091
MontanariViolin concerto in E op.1 nr 720141
De MonteBonjour mon coeur20101
De MonteSuper flumina Babylonis2019, 2015, 20123
MonteverdiA un giro sol de' bell' occhi lucenti20241
MonteverdiAdoramus te, Christe2010, 2006, 2003, 20014
MonteverdiAngelus ad pastores ait20191
MonteverdiBeatus vir2004, 20012
MonteverdiCantate Domino2018, 20062
MonteverdiChriste, adoramus te2010, 2010, 2006, 20034
MonteverdiCredidi propter quod locutus sum20041
MonteverdiDeus tuorum militum20041
MonteverdiDixit Dominus2006, 20042
MonteverdiDixit Dominus secondo (1641)20101
MonteverdiDomine, ne in furore tuo2006, 20012
MonteverdiE questa vita un lampo20041
MonteverdiEcco mormorar l'onde20241
MonteverdiGloria a 7 voci20011
MonteverdiLaetatus sum20061
MonteverdiLamento d'Arianna2017, 19992
MonteverdiLauda Jerusalem20061
MonteverdiLaudate pueri20061
MonteverdiLetaniae della beata Vergine20061
MonteverdiMagnificat a 4 voci20041
MonteverdiMagnificat a 8 (1641)20101
MonteverdiMissa In illo tempore20031
MonteverdiMissa In illo tempore - Sanctus20141
MonteverdiMissa a 4 voci2017, 20062
MonteverdiNisi Dominus20061
MonteverdiO ciechi ciechi20041
MonteverdiQuattro scherzi musicali19991
MonteverdiSalve Regina20131
MonteverdiSancta Maria20011
De MoralesCandida virginitas20161
De MoralesJubilate Deo20161
De MoralesMissa Quaeramus cum pastoribus - Agnus Dei20191
De MoralesMissa Quaeramus cum pastoribus - Kyrie20191
De MoralesMissa Quaeramus cum pastoribus - Sanctus, Benedictus20191
MorleyApril is in my mistress' face2011, 2000, 20003
MorleyFyer, fyer!2013, 2011, 2000, 2000,
1997, 1997
MorleyHard by a crystal fountain20191
MorleyI love, alas20111
MorleyIn dew of roses2022, 20222
MorleyNo, no, no, no, Nigella20111
MorleySay, gentle nymphs20111
MostoIl bianco a dolce cigno20181
MoutonNesciens mater2014, 2013, 20113
MoutonQuaeramus cum pastoribus20191
MoutonTota pulchra es20171
MozartTe Deum19971
MozartVeni sancte spiritus19971
MozartVesperae solennes de confessore19941
MundyEructavit cor meum20151
NystedtImmortal Bach20201
O'ReganThe Spring20141
ObrechtBeata es, Maria20231
ObrechtMissa Sub tuum praesidium - Agnus Dei20141
ObrechtMissa Sub tuum praesidium - Benedictus20141
ObrechtMissa Sub tuum praesidium - Credo20141
ObrechtMissa Sub tuum praesidium - Gloria20141
ObrechtMissa Sub tuum praesidium - Kyrie20141
ObrechtMissa Sub tuum praesidium - Sanctus20141
OrdAdam lay ybounden2018, 20052
OsianderChristum wir sollen loben schon20021
De PadillaExultate justi in Domino20231
De PadillaMissa Ego flos campi2023, 20122
De PadillaStabat Mater20231
Da PalestrinaAlma redemptoris mater20171
Da PalestrinaAngelus Domini descendit20191
Da PalestrinaAssumpta est Maria20141
Da PalestrinaAve Maria20001
Da PalestrinaDum complerentur dies Pentecostes20181
Da PalestrinaEcce sacerdos magnus20061
Da PalestrinaIntroduxit me rex20171
Da PalestrinaJubilate Deo omnis terra2019, 20002
Da PalestrinaLoquebantur variis linguis20001
Da PalestrinaMissa Ecce sacerdos magnus - Agnus Dei I20061
Da PalestrinaMissa Ecce sacerdos magnus - Agnus Dei II20061
Da PalestrinaMissa Ecce sacerdos magnus - Gloria20061
Da PalestrinaMissa Ecce sacerdos magnus - Kyrie20061
Da PalestrinaMissa Ecce sacerdos magnus - Sanctus20061
Da PalestrinaMissa Sicut lilium - Agnus Dei20151
Da PalestrinaMissa Sicut lilium - Benedictus20151
Da PalestrinaMissa Sicut lilium - Credo20151
Da PalestrinaMissa Sicut lilium - Gloria20151
Da PalestrinaMissa Sicut lilium - Kyrie20151
Da PalestrinaMissa Sicut lilium - Sanctus20151
Da PalestrinaNon est inventus20061
Da PalestrinaSacerdotes Dei20061
Da PalestrinaServe bone20061
Da PalestrinaSicut lilium inter spinas20151
Da PalestrinaStabat Mater20141
Da PalestrinaStella quam viderant magi20221
ParsleyThis is the day20171
ParsonsAve Maria20181
PassereauIl est bel et bon2000, 20002
PearsallIn dulci jubilo2013, 2010, 20093
PedersønEcco la primavera20121
PedersønL'amara di partita20121
PedersønNon fuggir20121
PedersønT'amo mia vita20121
PedersønTra queste verdi fronde20121
PettmanI saw a maiden19991
PhilipsEcce vicit Leo20151
PhilipsGaudens gaudebo in Domino20161
PhilipsO beatum et sacrosanctum diem20231
PhinotPater, peccavi2016, 2016, 20163
PhinotVivons, m'amye et l'amour poursuyvons20141
PitoniCantate Domino20181
PostonJesus Christ the apple tree2024, 20022
PostonSing unto the Lord20241
PoulencHodie Christus natus est [*]2016, 2008, 20073
PoulencO magnum mysterium [*]2016, 20112
PoulencQuem vidistis pastores dicite [*]2016, 20082
PoulencSept Chansons nrs 1, 2 and 420101
PoulencSept Chansons nrs 5, 6 and 720101
PoulencVidentes stellam [*]2016, 2008, 20073
Praetorius H.Angelus ad pastores ait20191
Praetorius H.Joseph lieber, Joseph mein20101
Praetorius M.A great and mighty wonder19991
Praetorius M.Es ist ein Ros entsprungen2017, 2009, 20073
Praetorius M.Lo, how a Rose e'er blooming20231
Praetorius M.Vom Himmel hoch da komm ich her20191
Des PrezAbsolve quaesumus20131
Des PrezAdieu mes amours20231
Des PrezAve Maria20131
Des PrezDulces exuviae20141
Des PrezEl grillo2019, 20192
Des PrezIn te, Domine, speravi20231
Des PrezInviolata, integra et casta es20231
Des PrezMille regretz20231
Des PrezNymphes des bois20131
PurcellBlow up the trumpet20031
PurcellClose thine eyes20091
PurcellDido and Aeneas19991
PurcellFairest isle, all isles excelling20141
PurcellFuneral Sentences2005, 20042
PurcellHear my prayer, o Lord2024, 20032
PurcellI was glad when they said unto me2024, 2013, 2009, 1995,
PurcellI will sing unto the Lord20241
PurcellIn the midst of life [*]1995, 19952
PurcellJehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei2009, 1997, 19973
PurcellMan that is born of a woman [*]1995, 19952
PurcellMy beloved spake20091
PurcellMy heart is inditing2009, 2003, 19943
PurcellO be joyful in the Lord20241
PurcellRemember not, Lord, our offences1995, 19952
PurcellShepherd's scene [*]19991
PurcellThe blessed virgin's expostulation20031
PurcellThey that go down to the sea in ships2009, 20032
PurcellThou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts2005, 1995, 19953
PurcellWhat shall I do? [*]19991
PygottQuid petis, o fili?20111
PärtDopo la vittoria20141
RautavaaraLudus verbalis20121
RautavaaraMarjatan jouluvirsi20121
RautavaaraOch glädjen den dansar20121
RavelNicolette [*]20061
RavelRonde [*]20061
RavelTrois beaux oiseaux du paradis [*]20061
RavenscroftCome follow me20131
RavenscroftI lay with an old man20131
RavenscroftRemember, o thou man20051
RawlinsAdam lay ybounden20121
RheinbergerDer Jonas kehrt im Walfisch ein20171
De RoreDescendi in hortum meum2019, 20192
De RoreMissa Praeter rerum seriem20181
De RoreO socii neque enim20141
RossiniToast pour le nouvel an20171
RuthvenCoventry Carol20181
RuthvenO my deir hert20181
RutterNativity carol20151
RutterO waly, waly20091
RutterSans day carol19991
RutterShepherd's pipe carol20041
RutterThe shepherd's pipe carol1999, 19962
RutterThe twelve days of Christmas2002, 1999, 19963
SandströmEs ist ein Ros entsprungen20231
ScarlattiStabat Mater2013, 20042
ScheidtA child is born in Bethlehem20151
ScheinQuem vidistis20121
SchubertChor der Engel20021
SchubertDer Tanz20021
SchubertDes Tages Weihe20021
SchubertGott im Ungewitter20021
SchubertHymne an den Unendlichen20021
SchützAlso hat Gott die Welt geliebt [*]2022, 20052
SchützAus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir20221
SchützDas Wort ward Fleisch2013, 20112
SchützDer Engel sprach zu den Hirten20191
SchützDer Herr ist mein getreuer Hirt2002, 20012
SchützDeutsches Magnificat2013, 2005, 2002, 20014
SchützDie mit Tränen säen2022, 2010, 2005, 2002,
SchützDunque addio, care selve20171
SchützEgo dormio2007, 20072
SchützEin Kind ist uns geboren20101
SchützEins bitte ich vom Herren20221
SchützEs gingen zweene Menschen hinauf20051
SchützGib unserm Fürsten20221
SchützHerr, nun lässest du deinen Diener2002, 20012
SchützHerr, nun lässest du deinen Diener in Frieden fahren [*]20221
SchützHerr, wenn ich nur dich habe2022, 20222
SchützHodie Christus natus est20161
SchützIch bin die Auferstehung und das Leben20221
SchützJauchzet dem Herren2002, 20012
SchützKomm, Heiliger Geist [*]20051
SchützMeine Seele erhebt den Herren20221
SchützMusikalische Exequien2013, 20052
SchützNacket bin ich von Mutterleibe kommen [*]20221
SchützNun lob, mein Seel, den Herren20051
SchützO Herr, hilf20221
SchützSaul, was verfolgst du mich [*]20051
SchützSelig sind die Toten20221
SchützSo fahr ich hin zu Jesu Christ2022, 20102
SchützStehe auf meine Freundin2007, 20072
SchützVater unser [*]20051
SchützVerleih uns Frieden gnädiglich20221
SchützViel werden kommen [*]20051
SchützVom Himmel hoch da komm ich her20171
SchützVulnerasti cor meum2007, 20072
SchützWarum toben die Heiden20101
SchützWo Gott der Herr nicht bei uns hält2005, 2002, 20013
SchützZion Spricht: der Herr hat mich verlassen20101
SheppardReges Tharsis20231
SheppardVerbum caro factum est20151
SibeliusFinlandia hymn20121
SibeliusSaarella palaa20121
SibeliusSortunut ääni20121
SibeliusSydämeni laulu20121
SkellernCornish Beatitudes20041
SkemptonRise up, my love2007, 20072
SkemptonThe Flight of Song20091
Smith MooreDaniel, Daniel, Servant of the Lord20241
StanfordBeati quorum via [*]2022, 20222
StanfordCoelos ascendit hodie [*]2022, 20222
StanfordJustorum animae [*]2022, 20222
StanfordQuick! We have but a second20241
StanfordThe blue bird1997, 19972
StauffThe Boar's Head Carol20231
SteffaniDolce è per voi soffrire20131
SteggallThe manger throne20141
StradellaClori, son fido amante19991
StradellaPiangete occhi dolenti19991
StravinskyAve Maria20031
StravinskyPater noster20031
StriggioEcce beatam lucem20181
StrohbachEs ist ein Ros entsprungen20171
SullivanIt came upon the midnight clear2022, 2014, 2012, 2009,
SweelinckAb oriente venerunt magi20221
SweelinckHodie Christus natus est2016, 2014, 2013, 2008,
2007, 1999, 1996, 1994
TallisE'en like the hunted hind [*]20211
TallisExpend, O Lord, my plaint [*]20211
TallisGod grant with grace [*]20211
TallisIn jejunio et fletu2021, 2012, 20103
TallisIn pace in idipsum20241
TallisLet God arise in majesty [*]20211
TallisLoquebantur variis linguis2018, 20102
TallisMiserere nostri Domine20151
TallisMissa Puer natus est nobis - Agnus Dei20181
TallisMissa Puer natus est nobis - Gloria20181
TallisMissa Puer natus est nobis - Sanctus, Benedictus20181
TallisO nata lux2024, 2021, 20103
TallisO sacrum convivium2017, 20042
TallisSalvator mundi20211
TallisSalvator mundi I20101
TallisSuscipe quaeso Domine2016, 2016, 20153
TallisTunes for Archbishop Parker's Psalter2010, 20042
TallisVidete miraculum20231
TallisWhen Jesus went into Simon's house20211
TallisWhy fum'th in fight [*]20211
TarneyThe wise men and the star20221
TavenerA hymn to the mother of God20051
TavernerMater Christi sanctissima20151
TchaikovskyThe crown of roses20111
TerryMyn lyking19961
TippettFive Spirituals [*]2024, 20092
TippettFour Songs from the British Isles20161
TippettPlebs angelica20051
TomkinsAbove the stars20081
TomkinsAdieu, ye city-prisoning towers2022, 2022, 2017, 2013,
TomkinsAlmighty God, the Fountain20081
TomkinsO sing unto the Lord2013, 20082
TomkinsSee, see the shepherd's queen20081
TomkinsThe Fauns and Satyrs tripping20141
TomkinsToo much I once lamented20081
TomkinsWhen David heard20081
traditionalGood Christian men rejoice20141
traditionalThe Mermaid20141
TunderWachet auf! ruft uns die Stimme [*]20241
TunderWachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme20161
VaetContinuo lacrimas20131
Vaughan WilliamsChristmas hymn19941
Vaughan WilliamsEaster [*]19971
Vaughan WilliamsFolksongs20051
Vaughan WilliamsFull fathom five [*]2022, 20222
Vaughan WilliamsGod rest you merry, gentlemen2007, 2005, 19963
Vaughan WilliamsI got me flowers [*]19971
Vaughan WilliamsLove bade me welcome [*]19971
Vaughan WilliamsMass in g20051
Vaughan WilliamsNo sad thought his soul affright20181
Vaughan WilliamsO little town of Bethlehem2024, 2022, 2018, 2015,
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2004, 2002,
1999, 1996
Vaughan WilliamsOver hill, over dale [*]2022, 20222
Vaughan WilliamsThe cloud-capp'd towers [*]2022, 20222
Vaughan WilliamsThe truth from above2024, 2019, 20053
Vaughan WilliamsThis have I done for my true love20051
Vaughan WilliamsValiant for truth20051
VautorSweet Suffolk owl2000, 20002
VecchiThe white delightful Swanne20181
VerdelotCon soave parlar20231
VerdelotFuggi, cor mio20231
VerdelotGran dolor di mia vita20231
VerdelotMadonna, qual certezza20231
De VictoriaAgnus Dei [*]20231
De VictoriaAlma redemptoris mater20141
De VictoriaAve Maria a 820081
De VictoriaAve Regina coelorum20141
De VictoriaBenedictus [*]20231
De VictoriaGaude Maria virgo20231
De VictoriaKyrie [*]20231
De VictoriaLaetatus sum a 1220191
De VictoriaLauda Sion salvatorem20171
De VictoriaMissa O quam gloriosum20051
De VictoriaMissa pro victoria20081
De VictoriaO lux et decus Hispaniae20231
De VictoriaO quam gloriosum20191
De VictoriaO vos omnes20191
De VictoriaPueri Hebraeorum20191
De VictoriaRegina coeli20141
De VictoriaSalve Regina20141
De VictoriaSanctus [*]20231
De VictoriaVadam et circuibo civitatem2007, 20072
De VictoriaVersa est in luctum20231
De VictoriaVidi speciosam2019, 2007, 20073
VindersO mors inevitabilis20131
VivaldiBeatus vir20041
VivaldiDixit Dominus19981
VivaldiIn exitu Israel20041
VivaldiLaetatus sum20041
VivaldiLaudate Dominum20041
VivaldiNulla in mundo pax sincera19981
VizzanaProtector noster magnus20231
VulpiusEs ist ein Ros entsprungen20171
Walford DaviesThe holly and the ivy20131
WalterIn dulci jubilo20171
WaltonWhat cheer?20101
WardCome, sable night20171
WardOut from the vale20111
WarlockBethlehem Down2011, 20082
WarlockYarmouth Fair2009, 2000, 2000, 1997,
WarrellA merry Christmas20021
WarrellWe wish you a merry Christmas2008, 20052
WeeksOrlando Tenebrae2024, 2011, 20113
WeeksSusanni (1990)20101
WeelkesAs Vesta was2021, 20112
WeelkesCome, sirrah Jack, ho!20131
WeelkesDeath hath deprived me20111
WeelkesFour arms, two necks, one wreathing20131
WeelkesGive the King thy judgements19941
WeelkesHa ha, this world doth passe20141
WeelkesHark, all ye lovely saints above20161
WeelkesLike two proud armies20111
WeelkesNoel, adieu, thou Court's delight2016, 2016, 20163
WeelkesSince Robin Hood20141
WeelkesThe cries of London20131
WeelkesThule, the period of cosmography2022, 2022, 2017, 20114
WeelkesTo shorten winter's sadness20231
WeelkesWhat have the Gods20141
WeelkesWhen David heard19941
WeelkesWhilst youthful sports20171
Van WeerbekeO Maria, clausus hortus2019, 20192
De WertAh! Dolente partita20181
WesleyIn exitu Israel20051
WestSee amid the winter's snow20151
WheelerBeati quorum via2022, 20222
WheelerThe Lake Isle of Innisfree2019, 20192
WheelerThe Winter it is Past2019, 20192
WhitacreThree flower songs20151
WhiteChriste qui lux es et dies (IV)20241
WickhamDixit Dominus20061
WickhamEcce sacerdos magnus20061
WilberforceQuelle est cette odeur agréable 20121
WilbyeAdieu, sweet Amaryllis2011, 2000, 20003
WilbyeDraw on, sweet night20111
WilbyeLady, when I behold the roses sprouting2018, 20112
WilbyeSweet honey-sucking bees2019, 20112
WilbyeThe Lady Oriana20211
WillaertA quand'haveva20091
WillaertCingari simo venit' a giocare20191
WillaertOcchio non fu giamai20091
WillaertSempre mi ride20091
WillaertVecchie letrose20091
WillcocksAfton Water2000, 20002
WillcocksAngelus ad virginem19991
WillcocksAway in a manger1999, 19962
WillcocksDeck the hall19991
WillcocksGod rest you merry, gentlemen2018, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2004, 1999
WillcocksHark! The herald angels sing20021
WillcocksInfant holy19991
WillcocksLo! he comes with clouds descending20191
WillcocksO come, Emmanuel2015, 2013, 2011, 2010,
WillcocksO come, all ye faithful2024, 2022, 2016, 2014,
2013, 2012, 2011, 2010,
2009, 2008, 2007, 2005,
2004, 2002
WillcocksOf the Father's heart begotten19991
WillcocksQuelle est cette odeur agréable20041
WillcocksSilent night19961
WillcocksSussex carol19961
WillcocksThe angel Gabriel2015, 19962
WillcocksThe first Nowell2023, 2017, 2015, 19994
WillcocksThe infant King2004, 20022
WillcocksThe three kings2011, 20102
WillcocksUnto us is born a Son2024, 2011, 20103
WillcocksWe three kings2009, 2008, 19993
WillcocksWhile shepherds watched their flocks2024, 2023, 2018, 2016,
2013, 2005
WilliamsO Adonai20141
WilliamsonThis Christmas night20221
WoodDing dong merrily on high2023, 2017, 2014, 2012,
2009, 2008, 2004, 2002,
1999, 1996
ZucchiniSanctis Apostolis inclita gaudia20171
De ZumayaLa bella incorrupta20231