Schütz and Scarlatti
Thursday 7 November 2013, 19:30 - 21:30
St James's Piccadilly [ map ]
197 Piccadilly
London W1J 9LL
Orlando Chamber Choir
Will Dawes, director
Zoë Brown, soprano
Emma Walshe, soprano
Guy Cutting, tenor
Edmund Hastings, tenor
Nick Ashby, bass
Christopher Borrett, bass
William Hunt, violone
David Miller, theorbo
Christopher Bucknall, organ
Orlando Chamber Choir joins forces with singers from The Marian Consort and three outstanding accompanists. The concert programme includes Schütz' double-choir setting of the Magnificat in a German translation by Luther, and the large-scale Musikalische Exequien for choir and soloists, written for a German prince's funeral. Schütz managed to combine the prescribed texts into a "burial mass", including paraphrases of Kyrie and Gloria. The final highlight is Scarlatti's Stabat Mater in which ten individual choir parts cradled by a small instrumental complement create a highly personal atmosphere of compassion and tenderness.