
Chamber Choir

Oranges & Clemens

Choral music by Clemens non Papa & Sevillian composers

Thursday 10 November 2016, 19:30 - 21:30
St Andrew Holbornmap ]
5 St Andrew Street
London EC4A 3AF

Orlando Chamber Choir
Will Dawes, director

Oranges and Lemons
Say the bells of St Clements…

Orlando Chamber Choir presents a fruity programme with works by Jacobus Clemens non Papa, the 16th century Netherlandish composer whose name sounded confusingly like that of a pope, and by his illustrious contemporaries from Seville, the Spanish town well known for its oranges.

The start of the concert will be sonorous and strong, with works for and about the rulers of Europe at the time, Charles V and Phillip II, whose global territories “on which the sun never set” included the Spanish Empire and the provinces of the Netherlands.

Alonso Lobo’s Lamentations, rediscovered in an 18th century choir book at Seville Cathedral, are at the zenith of the programme. Serene and contemplative, these meditations are a shining example of Renaissance polyphony.

After some Spanish wine and the interval bells of St Andrew’s, the evening will continue in more tender tones, with texts set to the biblical Song of Songs and compositions honouring the Virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene.

And then comes a candle to light you to bed…


Cristóbal de Morales (c.1500 - 1553)
Jubilate Deo
Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c.1510 - c.1555)
Carole, magnus eras
Ambrosio Cotes (c.1550 - 1603)
Mortuus est Philippus Rex
Alonso Lobo (1555 - 1617)
Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c.1510 - c.1555)
Accesserunt ad Jesum
Cristóbal de Morales (c.1500 - 1553)
Candida virginitas
Rodrigo de Ceballos (c.1525 - c.1581)
Hortus conclusus
Jacobus Clemens non Papa (c.1510 - c.1555)
Ego flos campi a 7
Francisco Guerrero (1528 - 1599)
Lauda mater ecclesia
Avo virgo sanctissima
Maria Magdalena et altera Maria